Join Our New Retouching Course on Domestika!
This new course, Professional Retouching for Product Photography in Photoshop, will show you how...
Learn the Optimal Image Sharpening Formula for Printing
We understand the issue at hand – you want to ensure your edited...
Sharpening & Contrast: The Ultimate Guide to Achieve Perfectly Sharp Photos
You keep seeing them again and again: images that are over-sharpened to the point...
Masking with Difference masking: Easy!
When to use this masking method There are many options for masking objects and...
Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Using Capture One 20 for Dust Spot Removal
Up until now, removing dust spots has been one of the first steps in...
How to reduce file sizes – from RAW to PSD to JPEG
Large amounts of data are generated during post-production – previews, composites, layered and non-layered...
Why Luminosity and Brightness Matter in Photoshop: A Comprehensive Guide
Conny Wallström recently posted a video on YouTube titled “Brightness vs. Luminosity Inside of...
Discover the Best Dodge and Burn Techniques
The Dodge & Burn technique can be approached in different ways and there...
Banding – the whole truth in a nutshell
Presumably, all of you know the feeling: you spend hours retouching an image, editing...