- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, hands with gloves, glass flask, colored liquids, pipette, glass rod
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald-web2048Labor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, pipette, gold-yellow drops,
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald, Chemistry, pipette, colored liquids, petri dishes, glass rod,
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, spatula with chemical substance, air bubbles, chemical reaction, glass rod
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, hands with gloves, glass flask, plant, drops of water
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, plant, pipette, hand with glove, reflective surface
- Labor Still Life by Yasmin MaiwaldLabor Still Life by Yasmin Maiwald; Chemistry, pipette, pink liquid, petri dishes, plants
Labor Still Life Editorial
Photo & Creative Director: Yasmin Maiwald, ig @yasminmaiwald
Retouch/Postproduction: MK Retouching - Mareike Keicher, ig @mareikekeicher
Assistent: Nicolas Rausch, ig @nh.rausch
Styling: Sarah Heidelberger ig @sarahheidelbergerstyling und Yasmin Maiwald
Video: Celine Warta - ig @celinewarta
Handmodel: Nicolas Rausch und Vanessa Hofen - ig @vanessahofen